Research & Development
Blackhawk Molding Co, Inc. was founded in 1949. We are a family owned and operated corporation headquartered in Addison, Illinois. Blackhawk operates three manufacturing plants in the USA; located in Addison, Illinois; Mayflower, Arkansas; and Sparks, Nevada. We also have partners in Purto Rico and Europe. Blackhawk Molding Co, Inc. specializes in inventing and manufacturing proprietary products. Blackhawk is a pioneer in supplying plastic injection molded products to the dairy, bottled water, beverage and other industries.
Our Swinger Handle™ put Blackhawk on the map in the dairy industry early in the 1960s. This handle along with the equipment to assemble it to fiber-board cartons was sold in the hundreds of millions to the dairy industry. When blow molded bottles came into use, Blackhawk was one of the first suppliers of injection molded caps. Many companies have come and gone in this industry with Blackhawk surviving as one of the major suppliers. Through the years we have developed a wide range of caps for the dairy and bottled water industries.

This revolutionary cap was designed to accommodate virtually any cooler probe used in the bottled water market. The U-5 cap avoids breaking probes; and allows for a wide variety of probe specifications.

As a further continuance of Blackhawk’s proven leadership in innovative closures for the Dairy, Water, and Juice industries; Blackhawk offers the Top Seal Cap which is specifically designed for 38mm glass bottles.

Beverage Cap
A straight sided 4 thread cap with a lightweight design, increased flexibility and easy removal. Superior tamper evidence with drop band feature.